The age of the Earth

Posted: November 19, 2012 by jennroig in Commentary, English
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This Washington Post entry might be having some good traffic today: It´s Rep. Sen. Marco Rubio arguing about the “mistery” of the age of the Earth. He says there is a never ending debate between theologians and… scientists I guess.

“I can tell you what recorded history says, I can tell you what the Bible says, but I think that’s a dispute amongst theologians”. That’s part of his statement.

Funny how the Washington Post posted on Twitter Rubio’s statement immediately followed by “scientists have estimated the earth’s age to be about 4.5 billion years old”.

Besides what Krugman argues about Rubio’s statements, I have some of my own remarks.

What’s not funny, for me at least, is that Marco Rubio is a Cuban American and he might become very soon a poster boy for Cuban Americans all. And he’s not.

Here is why:

Rubio is 41, so he was born in 1971, so he’s family arrived to the US at least by the end of the 60’s, so he is by no means similar to the bulk of that generation of Cubans who were raised in a secular State -well, it’s secular now, back then was actually an atheist State – where schools were free from Religious education.

I was actually born in the 80’s, a way more permissive timelap and I’m also catholic, but I had the chance to go to a school where I focused on Maths, Science, Spanish, biology, civics, and then learnt about God and the Bible on Sunday School at the church.

What I find very useful of my education is that I that I tend to believe more to scientists when it comes to the age of this earth, rather than religious dogmas. I feel I have a brain that thinks by itself so I can interpret the holly book, let’s say, in a more free fashion.

I do agree parents should be able to talk to their kids about their religious beliefs. But I also believe kids should be taught all the sides of the story, and been allowed to conclude by themselves without fear of hell what the most probable answer might be.

That’s a very large part of maturity, as  a person and a society. Especially if you consider than raising your kids with such freedom will make them more tolerant people, and stop them to judge others’ points of view, and even less imposing their points of view upon others and coercing other people’s freedoms.

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